Monday, December 30, 2019

3 reasons you need more than success to be awesome

3 reasons you need more than success to be awesome3 reasons you need more than success to be awesomeDuring my fur months in the FBI Academy, I shot over 3,000 rounds of ammo in firearms training, spent untold hours in the gym building up enough muscle to pass the fitness test, and endured an endless number of mock interrogation sessions.We spent hundreds of hours practicing real life situations so that when we hit the streets with our badge and gun as newly minted FBI agents, we would be successful.It didnt take me long in the real world of hard knocks to understand that practice doesnt always make perfect. Just because Id practiced how to be a federal law enforcement office in training, it didnt mean Id be successful. Those long hours of practice were not enough if I lacked the other attributes Id need for ultimate success.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreThe 10,000 hour rule po pularized by Malcolm Gladwell in his bookOutliersreally rankles me.He seduced readers into thinking that practice does make perfect- if we just keep hammering away at it along enough.To begin with, just because we put 10,000 hours into an activity it doesnt mean weve made progress and become an expert. We all know people who have shuffled to work every day for 40 years, punched a time clock, and put in well over 10,000 hours. Many of them were neither successful nor an expert. To become an expert means that we move the marker down the line to show progress has been made.We all understand how failure provides ample opportunity for growth and progress, both personally and professionally. What we fail to understand, however, is that its very difficult to learn from success. Too often, success is where we stop on our journey to the realization of our full potential. We settle for where we found success rather than pursue what is truly meaningful to us.Here are 3 reasons you need more th an success to be awesome- in both life and business1. Success lulls us into complacencyOne thing FBI agents learn early on in training is its not the streets or guns that will kill you- complacency is what will put you in harms way Always be alert and aware of what is going on in your environment.When you pursue things you love, it produces passion, and passion brings motivation. If youre to the point where you just go through the motions, complacency has set in. Complacency is where you go to wither up and die.The biggest battlefield in the world goes on inside our mind. Its the place we make life and death decisions about the way we live, whats meaningful to us, and what were willing to do in order to live the life we want.Complacency will cause you to stray from the path of growth and progress, which may not sound like a death sentence at first. But it is where you will go once you no longer care about improvement, either in business or life.The tragedy of life is often not in ou r failure, but rather in our complacency not in our doing too much, but rather in our doing too little not in our living above our ability, but rather in our living below our capacities- Benjamin E. MaysHow To Make It Work For You Go back to the drawing board and write down what truly inspires you to get up every morning. To be effective, it must transcend money or success. You may make money and achieve success along the way, but remind yourself of why you love what you do. Be a student of your passion and youll jettison complacency from your mindset.2.Success makes us overconfidentLook no further than Alan Greenspan and the financial meltdown in 2008 for an example of how success can make us overconfident. In October 2008, Greenspan admitted to Congress he was shocked that his financial models had failed. He no longer looked at them with a critical eye because theyd worked in the past.Alexander Pope once said that a little learning is a dangerous thing. Studies have shown that jus t a little learning is enough to make people feel theyd learned the complete task. Its called the beginners bubble. My training at the FBI Academy gave me just enough knowledge to feel overconfident in my abilities. What I quickly learned is that I needed more than my puerile successes at the Academy to be an effective FBI agent I neededmental toughnessto keep going, whether or not I felt confident, if I wanted to make a difference in my profession.After we move up a few notches on the ladder of success, the beginners bubble is replaced by a victory bubble. Our success leads us to believe were better decision makers than we really are. It also fails to remind us that the market and environment around us constantly change.Researchhas found that doctors learning to do spinal surgery usually do not begin to make mistakes until about their 15th iteration of the surgery. Similarly, new pilots rarely get into accidents, but their accident rate begins to rise until itpeaks at about 800 fli ght hours, where it begins to drop again.The biggest challenge after success is shutting up about it- Criss JamiHow To Make It Work For You Overconfidence is a common character flaw in those who lack humility. To be humble is not to think less of oneself, but to think of oneself less. Work to develop your emotional intelligence. If you do, youll be more aware of yourself and others around you. Emotionally intelligent people focus outward as they absorb more information about the people and situation around them.Are you mentally tough? Take thisFREE mental toughness assessment.3. Success causes us to ignore adviceIf were successful and in a lage of authority, we tend to shut down criticism or those with opinions that differ from our own. We place more weight on our own opinion than on the opinion of others because weve used our judgement to get to where we are in life.And it works Until it doesnt.When you ignore the advice of others, you may miss innovations, fail to recognize a dip in the market, or ignore the rumblings of a demoralized team. Maybe you had the winning formula back in the day, but times have changed. You may need to update your views on how to make progress in an environment that constantly changes direction.There are many reasons why successful leaders dont welcome advice from others. First, the ego takes a hit because you admit you dont have all the answers. Well, that just means youre human so get over it. Second, advice often means change, and no one welcomes change except babies- and thats only because they know what to expect. But change is the breeding ground for growth and progress.Every person that you meet knows something you dont learn from them- H. Jackson Brown JrHow To Make It Work For You Seek feedback because its the best path to improvement, growth, and success. When you ask for advice and feedback, it shows everyone that youre willing to learn and become better. And that is always progress.This article originally appeared on L aRae Quy.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Is it possible to re-engineer a sick company culture

Is it possible to re-engineer a sick company cultureIs it possible to re-engineer a sick company cultureA healthy company culture can be a draw to an employee choosing a place to work. Its also essential to how a workplace functions Harvard Business Review recently wrote that culture influences how people spoke up or if they didnt.A bad culture can make the news for example, Under Armour CEO Kevin Plank recently promised to improve his companys culture after a Wall Street Journal articlechronicled strip-club visits and inappropriate treatment of women at the company. But what happens when a once-happy workplace culture becomes negative?C-Space is a Boston-based company with several international offices that works directly with consumers to co-create new products for brands like Heinz, Bank of America, and Samsung. When things went wrong with their company culture, reports Quartz at Work, they decided to audit it, coming out on the other side with a series of slogans to live and w ork by. And when that went wrong? They went back to the drawing board and did it again, proving that culture is continuously in flux.Starting out as a smaller startup called Promise, they were acquired by an advertising firm Omnicom in 2012, and then merged with another company, becoming C-Space. Thats when things started to feel wrong. By the end of 2015, 30% of the staff had left, and just 56% said they felt proud to work there.Design for livingThe first four tischset of slogans that the culture committee employees from different areas and levels of the company came up with includedOnly accept awesome.Ive got this.On the surface, the meaning was clear. Only accept awesome meant to do your best work, and accept only the best from your coworkers. Ive got this meant taking ownership of a task or project.Yet, after about a year, employees began to embrace the mantras a little too much to the point that they became corrupted. Only accept awesome had created a new culture of overwork . Ive got this led to tasks going to the wrong people as over-eager employees wanted to be seen performing well.Do-overThe culture had changed, but not for the better. So C-Spaces culture committee brainstormed two more slogansOpen up and listen.Tell it like it is.While two sentences cant change a group of people, they did reportedly help. If anything, the C-Space experiment shows how delicate company culture is, and how difficult it is to engineer a group of people working together. Perhaps the best solution is not changing course completely, but the Japanese workplace concept of kaizen, which means, simply, continuous improvement.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Conference Brings Together Professionals from Heat Transfer, Fluids and Nanotechnology Fields

Conference Brings Together Professionals from Heat Transfer, Fluids and Nanotechnology Fields Conference Brings Together Professionals from Heat Transfer, Fluids and Nanotechnology Fields Conference Brings Together Professionals from Heat Transfer, Fluids and Nanotechnology FieldsRegistration is now open for the 2016 Heat Transfer, Fluids Engineering, & Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels Conferences (HT/FE/ICNMM 2016), which will bring together researchers and engineers from the fields of heat transfer, fluids and nanotechnology in Washington, D.C., this July. This year marks the first time since 2012 that the three major ASME events - the Summer Heat Transfer Conference (SHTC), the Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (FEDSM), and the International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels (ICNMM) - will be co-located. HT/FE/ICNMM 2016 will take place from July 10 to 14 at Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill.One of the highlights of the join t conference will the celebration of the Fluids Engineering Divisions 90th anniversary, which will be observed with a number of special activities to be held during meeting, including the Fluids Engineering Division (FED) Anniversary Banquet on July 12, as well as a luncheon lecture by C.D. Mote, Jr., president of the National Academy of Engineering on July 11, a panel discussion federal funding opportunities in fluids engineering also schedulumineszenzdiode for July 11, the FED History Lecture on July 12, and the presentation of the Freeman Scholar Lecture by Goodarz Ahmadi, the Robert R. Hill prof of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering at Clarkson University.Other plenary speakers scheduled to give presentations during the joint conference include Narayana Aluru, the Richard W. Kritzer Distinguished Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Joseph T. Arcano, Jr., technical director of the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division C. Thomas Avedisian, p rofessor of mechanical engineering at Cornell University Vijay K. Dhir, dean of engineering and professor of mechanical engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles Mohamed Gad-El-Hak, Inez Caudill Eminent Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University Arun Majumdar, the Jay Precourt Professor in the department of mechanical engineering at Stanford University James L. McGrath, professor of biomedical engineering at the University of Rochester Patrick Phelan, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at Arizona State University and consultant Patrick J. Roache.Attendees of HT/FE/ICNMM 2016 will also be able to take part in several technical tours during the event, including tours of the George Washington University ME Lab, the University of Maryland Thermofluid Laboratories, the NASA Goddard Thermal Branchs Heat Transfer Laboratory and the Fluids Branchs Cryogenics Laboratory, and the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division. There is a separate registratio n fee of $50 for each technical tour.A special workshop focusing on measurement uncertainty will be offered on July 10. The six-hour workshop, which will be led by Barton Smith of Utah State University and Douglas Neal of LaVision Inc., will provide attendees with an introduction to measurement error and uncertainty, and cover such topics as uncertainty of a single variable, propagation of uncertainty using Taylor Series and Monte Carlo methods, a priori uncertainty quantification for experiment planning, and a posteriori uncertainty quantification. Advance registration for the Measurement Uncertainty Workshop is $75 for ASME members and $100 for non-members. On-site registration is $100 for members and $125 for non-members.For more information on the 2016 Heat Transfer, Fluids Engineering, & Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels Conferences, or to register, visit

Sunday, December 15, 2019

New IAM3D Challenge Introduces University Students to 3D Design and Printing Skills

New IAM3D Challenge Introduces University Students to 3D Design and Printing Skills New IAM3D Challenge Introduces University Students to 3D Design and Printing Skills IAM3D Challenge Introduces University Students to 3D Design and Printing SkillsASME has launched a competition, the ASME Innovative Additive Manufacturing 3D (IAM3D) Challenge, which is intended to help provide undergraduate engineering students with the 3D plan and printing skills theyll need when they enter the workforce, while competing for $10,000 in prizes.To take part in the competition, which is open to mechanical and multi-disciplinary engineering undergraduate students around the world, students are asked to either re-engineer existing products or create new designs that minimize energy consumption or improve energy efficiency. A panel of judges will evaluate the student teams on how their designs demonstrate ingenuity, the application of sound engineering design principles, and the leveraging of additive manu facturing technology to address a broad spectrum of industrial, manufacturing, and humanitarian challenges.Working prototypes of the top 30 designs will be printed to their submitted design specifications and the students who designed them will be invited to the ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition in Montreal, Canada, where they will present their designs and business case to the judging panel.The Challenges 30 semi-finalists will be announced by Aug. 31. A $2,000 top prize will be awarded in five categories best overall design best innovation best re-engineered/multi-disciplinary, collaboratively designed product best freshman design and best verbal presentation. Other prizes include $5,000 honoraria for team faculty member advisors and travel subsidies for semi-finalists to attend the final round of the contest at the 2014 Congress.Individual students or teams of up to three students are invited to register for the IAM3D Challenge, at http//, until May 1, 2014. Each team must have a faculty member advisor recommend its project. There is no limit to the number of entries per university, however.For more information on the ASME Innovative Additive Manufacturing 3D Challenge, visit http//

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

1099 Employee Benefits Freelancers Must Keep in Mind

1099 Employee Benefits Freelancers Must Keep in Mind1099 Employee Benefits Freelancers Must Keep in MindIn the last decade, the world of work has changed dramatically. Talent is rapidly shifting from traditional 9-to-5 bro roles to whats being called the gig economy. People now have the choice to use their abilities to freelance and work independently. Instead of W-2 roles, mora people are gravitating to 1099 roles. According to a report include MBO Partners, by the year 2027, mora than half of American workers (58%) will have had some experience as independent contractors. Whats causing this shift and what are the benefits that freelancers should know about when accepting projects as a 1099 contractor? Are there specific qualifications and how can a freelancer apply for these benefits? The Rise in the Gig Economy There are several factors that have created the perfect environment for freelancers working under 1099 contracts. The first and most obvious includes technology advance s that have made it possible for anyone to create a freelance career. Between cloud computing that puts software and information into the hands of everyone and social networks where people can connect for collaborative efforts, there are no limits to the types of freelance ideas that are out there. More people work from mobile devices, like laptops and tablet computers and cell phones. Its common to see droves of freelancers working on their laptops in every coffee shop or outside in the fresh air of a public park. Many freelancers work from comfortable home offices where they can juggle the responsibilities of both personal life and career. The second reason that 1099 work has picked up rapidly is a changing attitude of working professionals who value work-life balance more than climbing the corporate ladder. The 2015 Worklife Challenges Across the Generations report published By EY indicated that ... 24% of weltumspannend workers would take a 10%pay cut in order to be able to tel ecommute. It also showed that one-third of global workers believe work-life balance is becoming more difficult. Excessive overtime and a lack of flexibility lead more people to leave their jobs. During the recessionary period which hit the world hard in 2007 through 2010, millions of workers were displaced from their former careers. The unemployment rate, which formerly sat around 5%, doubled to over 10% by October 2009, based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor. With so many people out of work for extended periods of time, many turned to freelance work to make ends meet and have continued to do so successfully. Employee Benefits Available for 1099 Freelancers As a 1099 independent contractor, there are multiple benefits. Outside of the freedom and flexibility of working on projects of ones choice and interest, employee benefits are often available for freelancers. One area where 1099 workers can get the most support has to do with income taxes, which allow for the write off o f various business expenses. The Internal Revenue Service allows U.S. self-employed individuals to claim the costs of using a home office, office equipment, computers, office supplies, fees for advertising, fees for hiring subcontractors, utilities, use of a vehicle for work purposes, and more. Some companies that hire freelancers have opted to offer limited benefits such as the use of a company computer, group health insurance, dental and vision coverage, access to a retirement savings plan, paid time off, educational benefits, travel and corporate discounts, and other perks. Profit sharing can be factored into 1099 work arrangements, with a certain percentage of earnings delivered when work is completed. Even if a company doesnt offer formal benefits to contractors, there are certain advantages to being independent vs. an employee. For example, the ability to request a contract for a specified period of time is considered a plus in an age when most employees dont even have 100%cer tainty they will have a job in a few months. The other advantage is that if the project ends or if there are conflicts with the company, the contractor can easily move on to another client project by ending the contract. Freelancers can also obtain benefits through freelance organizations, professional organizations, and through market exchanges. How 1099 Contractors Obtain Employee Benefits While freelancers can obtain benefits through freelance organizations, professional organizations, and market exchanges- asking about 1099 employee benefits is a good idea at the start of the working relationship. Many companies dont advertise benefits for contractors, but they may provide limited access to their group plans. An example of this is a group supplemental insurance plan that offers low-cost access to hospital indemnity care, cancer coverage, life insurance, auto and home insurance, and pet insurance. The contractor may be able to purchase a dental and vision plan to augment a current self-employed healthcare plan. If a contractor has to travel as part of his or her duties, its perfectly acceptable to ask for a corporate discount or partial reimbursement for travel fees, meals, and accommodations. A 1099 contractor may be eligible for a fleet credit card to pay for gas for a work vehicle. Other costs that a contractor can negotiate for can include dry cleaning services for required clothing or uniforms, and reimbursement for required footwear or safety equipment. VISA and immigration administration and housing fees for taking a contractor role in another country can be paid for as an added benefit. Learning benefits are becoming more popular with contractors, such as being sent to industry related conferences or classes that the company pays for. It could be to earn a required certification, to maintain certification, or to improve on existing skills. While most companies reserve college tuition programs for full-time employees, contractors who work with a company for an extended period of time may be able to have some of their expenses covered for books and test fees. Applying for 1099 Employee Benefits When negotiating a new contract, its reasonable to ask about potential benefits. A contractor should look at the entire relationship and responsibilities before accepting a 1099 role. If a job requires large amounts of travel, then it makes sense to request benefits in this area. If the job requires overseas work, then housing and immigration costs will be of major concern. If a job requires the use of expensive software or computer equipment, asking the company to furnish these elements makes the most sense. Bear in mind too that if you are taking a contractor job through a staffing agency, they generally have a wide variety of standard benefits to offer. You can get low-cost health insurance, supplemental insurance, life insurance, retirement savings plans, access to pay cards, training opportunities, and paid time off. The co ntractor should request information and apply for any benefits that he or she will need to make the career experience a positive one. Waiting until the next open enrollment period wont be enough. Asking in advance of accepting a 1099 role is the smarter way to go. The contractor will need to complete enrollment documents just like any other employee, but the employer will designate the status as being 1099, and any premiums due from the contractor will need to be paid in advance each month.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Google Resume Reviews & Tips

Google Resume Reviews & Tips Additionally, you will have a cover letter with exactly the same design. Now, its much simpler to create an ideal CV with the assistance of some relevant applications. The problem with resumes may be the true actuality that its near unattainable to represent yurself about the exact same collection of paper. Job application or CV or maybe cover letter is currently an important component our academics together with the specialized lives. Using the Google Resume Simply click where you wish to edit, delete the dummy text and begin typing. Highlight the text youd love to use the formatting to. After that, be certain the formatting appears great regardless of what program its opened in. While the formatting is comparable, there are a number of differences worth noting. Google Resume Options The bot is currently prepared to be introduced to the world Its possible for you to add short and complete description about your bot. The 1 downside to in ternet document systems such as Google Drive is that you have to have accessibility to the web to use them. There are lots of keyboard shortcuts in Google Docs to accelerate editing. A big plus for people that like hands-on methods to enhance their workflow is Google Apps Script. There are plenty of techniques you can utilize to find Google resumes of people in a particular site. Lets look at a mixture of free Google Docs and Microsoft Word templates. Creating a Google account is completely free and takes just a couple of seconds. If youre a regular Google Assistant user and are already using the recently launched Routines feature, youll be pleased to hear that you may now opt to continue your audiobooks when you awaken or initiate your commute. Revision History The Google Docs Revision History feature is beneficial for job seekers because it permits you to find any preceding changes which have been made to your Google Docs resume. Google Docs exports documents in numerous for mats, making it simple to submit the right file type to a hiring manager. The download files also consist of social icons that are editable in Adobe Illustrator. Opportunely, google docs has a solution for it Today, reference checks and Google searches are simpler than ever. mora than a few companies have created add-ons that youre able to download with resume or CV templates, usually at no cost. With the usage of Smart Resume Builder, you will prevent the mistakes while making CV that might cost you a great job Read More, here are several resume templates that it is easy to adjust to meet your requirements. When your account is completed, you are going to have access to the Resume Builder. Now-a-days many such resume templates can be found the net to use. Employing a resume template is now an acceptable and smart practice for numerous reasons. Based on how niche the work opening is or how specific the location is, you will want to try several approaches to locate the cand idates you desire. Several businesses are now conducting their job searches on the internet to save costs. When youre trying to find work, may rely on only one solution to recognize careers. Youre not restricted to the particular search terms utilized in the examples. Sign in in case you experience an account. Nobody really knows, but its very reasonable to assume that theres a hyperlink. To begin with, Google doesnt know youre specifically hunting for area codes. To begin testing bot in simulator you may write or click Talk to my test app. Life, Death, and the Google Resume Our resume contractor is the simplest method of create a resume which will help you receive a fantasy work. Look around, inside the business youre at and elsewhere. A resume builder resembles toilet paper. Once your resume is prepared to go, you will wish to be sure to receive it in front of as many employers as possible. Someone states that resumes are dead and it is necessary to have social media , but practice indicates that recruiters continue to find applicants resume, choose mora relevant ones and just then connect with applicants. When you have prepared and submitted your resume to an employer the hope is you will be requested to attend work interview to talk about further whether youll be suitable. From that bit of paper, the employer was supposed to guesswhat kind of person youre in the present and what sort of employee youd be later on. In addition, some employers might request a cover letter to accompany your resume.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Off(ice) Naps the Case for Sleeping at Work

Off(ice) Naps the Case for Sleeping at Work Sleeping off the jobor what Ill call off(ice) napping (my meld of office napping and hockey player off-ice time)should include more than sleeping at home on the train commute home or on a grassy knoll in the park across from your office during a lunch break.It should also include sleeping at your work site, like the naps these Chinese workers are taking on an onsite grassy ocean-side knoll in Haikou, Hainan Islands largest northernmost citya tourist springboard to bluer beaches, such as famed Yalong Beach, at the islands southernmost shores.Whether their boots are for working at, on, next to or in the sea, these ladies appear to be sleeping at the job, but while off work, i.e., sleeping off the job, rather than sleeping on the job, which leid only sounds worse, but also is worse, since it can get you canned, if you are not paid as a guinea pig in sleep experiments.Moreover, sleeping off the job is aptly anal ogous to sleeping off a bar binge, both suggesting recovery as well as the responsible venue, just as off(ice) nap does.The Case for Off(ice) NapsAlthough many countries, such as Mexico and China, have traditions and policies that encourage workplace napping on breaks, and despite reported health benefits of midday naps, e.g., a 37% reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease, cardiac failure and death, the institutionalization of off(ice) naps in the West lags far behind its establishment in other countries and cultures. Nonetheless, that health benefit seems to be enough of a reason to allow, and perhaps encourage, off(ice) naps.But there are more good reasons for napping off the job In a 2009 Seidman Business Review article, A Case for Naps in the Workplace, Jitendra M. Mishra suggests that napping is a natural low-cost way to increase worker productivity.Despite widespread resistance to the idea, Mishra maintains that the concept of napping is going through a slow evolution because of the concerns about the bottom line, reduced productivity, and profits due to sleep deprivation, which is estimated to cost U.S. businesses $18 billion annually.This reassessment of a place for off(ice) naps is timely, given evidence that Mishra cites suggesting that sleepy workers are dangerous, less productive, and a major source of increased health care costs and corporate liability.As particularly dramatic examples of the dire consequences of sleep deprivation, Mishra notes that disasters such as Three Mile Island, Bhopal, and Exxon Valdez were all associated with workers suffering from a lack of normal sleep.However, Mishra points out that, despite strong traditions in China, India, Italy, Greece, North Africa and Latin America, and accumulating evidence supporting the case for off(ice) naps, less than one percent of companies allow employees to a nap on the job.(Perhaps a good nights sleep or off(ice) naps would help some of them have a (re)fresh(ed) perspective abou t the benefits of such naps.)Nonetheless, to the extent that it has been implemented, Mishra reports that workplace napping is producing very positive resultsIn Australia, workplaces allow naps for firemen, truck drivers, doctors, and interns. It is interesting to note that David Johnson, managing director of Deloittle Consulting Companyin Pittsburg, feels his company has increased productivity due to a nap-room. They love it, they lap it up. (OConnor, 2004) Craig Yarde, President of Yarde Metals, feels that napping contributes to higher sales, higher productivity, efficiency, and reduced turnovers. Anthony and Camille of Boston University conducted a survey and found that 70% of the1,000 respondents admitted that they nap at work and it benefits them. Gould Evansinstalled 10 by 12- foot nap rooms and according to its spokesperson, there is no stigma attached to those using it.Workers at Gould Evans found that napping helps them getrefreshed and revitalized (Meyer 2001).Inemuri the Japanese Semi-SleepWhen other workplace cultures are a fusion of traditional folk and modern office ways, the nap may take a peculiar compromise form, blending the custom of naps with taboos against them. For example, the Japanese recognize and practice a hybrid of sleeping off the job and sleeping on the job, which they call inemurito be asleep while present. The rules governing inemuri (pronounced eee-neh-moo-ree) are strictYou have to remain upright, e.g., you cant rest your face on your keyboarda rule designed to preserve the appearance of engagement.Your company rank has to be very high (or, less commonly observed in my experience during my years in Japan, very low).My own firsthand experience in formal meetings confirms these rules. On one occasion, while I was the Director of grenzberschreitend Studies at a Japanese womens college, the rijicho (pronounced ree-jee-choh)the top corporate boss, who had flown in from Tokyowas presiding over and speaking at a meeting for all key p ersonnel. At some point during his talk, one of the attendees immediately to his right, but at ninety degrees to him (as befitting the highest-ranking subordinate), appeared to nod off, eyes shut as tight as the seams of a fried dumpling.Although the staff member was a full prof of the highest rank, I was puzzled, indeed, amazed, that he would do that and that no one tried to nudge himespecially since he was seated right beside the boss (who was generally, and rightly, feared by all employees).When I whispered my puzzlement to a colleague at my side, he, also discreetly whispering, told me that such apparent napping is in fact a sign of great respect, indicative of deep concentration and appreciation of the rijichos deep and important ideas.Yes, he really said thateven if it was only to help the professor save (napping) face. Anyway, no one elseincluding the rijichoresponded in any way to the napper.Although I didnt buy the explanation at all, I could see that general acceptance of such a cover story would be essential to the successful institutionalization of inemuri.Following that logic, the deeper the bosss ideas, the deeper the sleep should be, with the full comatose sprawl like that of the Chinese ocean-side women being the ultimate form of profound homage and respect.Ironically, in their full sprawl, those Chinese workers were apparently more alert than the Japanese professor appeared to be (despite the dubious concentration claim made on his behalf). Rather than being poster children for the worlds exhausted, bone-weary laborers, some of those women were not only awake, but cheerily humming under their work hats (which probably make great resonance chambers for on-the-job karaoke).The Case for Leaving Work EarlierOne argument against sleeping off (or semi-on) the jobironically aimed at precisely the same Japanese culture that encourages itwas offered by a foreigner working in Japan, as a comment about how Japanese office workers will stay much longer th an necessary, if only because they slack-off a lot during the work day and because leaving first is considered a sign of insufficient diligence and respect for colleagues or the boss My co-workers dont need to work the hours they do. If everyone left for home earlier, then the hour nap before lunch wouldnt be needed, the newspaper could be read at home, or the chat could be done in the more pleasant surrounding(s) of a coffee shop.The pressure to not leave first or before others, especially to not leave before the boss was enormous in the offices in which I worked. The ritualization of this norm is encapsulated in the rigidly prescribed verbal exchange between anyone who dares to leave prematurely O-saki ni, shitsurei shimasu (Leaving before you, I am very rude.)to which the scripted reply is always O-tsukaresama. (You are/must be very tired.)That ritual was tedious and tiresome enough for me to want to close my eyes (and ears) for some well-deserved inemuriwhich, however, would pro bably have backfired on me.My Japanese colleagues would probably have interpreted that as deep meditation on and respect for the ritual and its rules.__________________________Note This is one in a series of articles by Michael Moffa, written while on the road, on the scene and on the job in China, autumn 2012.Photo Michael Moffa

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

What it Was Actually Like to Be the Only Woman at My Company

What it Was Actually Like to Be the Only Woman at My CompanyWhat it Was Actually Like to Be the Only Woman at My CompanyLindsay Grizzard remembers the first time she discussed menstruation with her co-workers. It welches about a year into her last job, as a front-end developer and designer with a small tech company of around 11 employees, of whom she welches the only woman.I dont remember how we got onto the topic, but I said the word period in an offhand, not-even-talking-about-myself way, and it was just like all the air got sucked out of the room for a second. And then we moved on. I remember going home that night and talking to my friend So my company acknowledged the existence of periods today, and we all survived.This work culture was a stark difference from Hackbright Academy, the all-women coding bootcamp where Grizzard had trained before joining the tech startup, where she worked for around two years until taking a new job last summer. Recent estimates by the NCWIT suggest t hat women hold only around one in four computing jobs in the U.S., and its even worse among women of color, who represent single-digit percentages in the field. That means the overwhelming majority of women in tech are likely to find themselves on teams dominated by men. Frustratingly familiar issues like the gender pay gap and mora recent efforts, including the growing movement to curb sexual harassment, are characteristic of this underrepresentation.But every woman who finds herself alone among male co-workers has a different experience- with some ups, some downs, and more than a few iffy incidents in between. Heres what Grizzards was like, in her own words (condensed and lightly edited for clarity)Interviewing as the First WomanOn my first call with them as a job candidate, they mentioned how I would be really leading the charge as the woman on the team, and they were so excited to have a woman- and mentioned my gender like 10 times in that first kickoff call, which was definitel y a red flag. But as a junior developer I was like, Please just give me a job. It felt like misguided enthusiasm, like their hearts were in the right place.So at the time I thought, That was a little weird, but okay, at least theyre trying. And it was kind of nice that they addressed the elephant in the room quickly Yes, youre going to be the only female here, and thats okay, and we acknowledge that, and were being intentional about it.But funnily, my gender didnt really ever come up again until a few months before I left the company. It was so upfront, but then it did kind of become gender-blind after that, which was a little confusing. The person I talked to in the beginning was open to talking about the gender imbalance, but everyone else at the company seemed really afraid to address it or just didnt want to.Fitting In (Up to a Point)After I started working there I became one of the guys, so to speak, which entailed just talking about video games and movies and Dungeons and Drag ons- which I can do because Im a nerdbut those were the only conversations they ever had. That was my biggest takeaway from working there that I could only expose about half of my personality.But the gender-blindness at first was really nice. After a while it became kind of annoying, but it was nice to just be able to focus on my job. I was never, ever hit on- and Ive had that at other companies no one ever made any weird jokes about my body or sexualized me at all.I remember there was this turning point when everyone started becoming more comfortable with me, after about six months of working there. There was one guy whose wife worked at Sephora, and makeup came up somehow at the lunch table, and I was like, Oh yeah, they have good lipstick there. And one of the guys started telling me about different types of lipstick, and how actually this one was better and actually he knows about lipstick. I remember looking at him like, you dont wear lipstick your wife is a designer at Sephora , but I dont think that gives you a lot of life experience with lipstick. It was just one of those conversations where I thought, This is what mansplaining feels like- okay, right.It got a little awkward, and luckily a few other people noticed, but no one stepped in- everyone kind of bit their tongue. When we switched topics, everyone jumped in enthusiastically to change the conversation back to video games.Signs of Bias Few Others Can SeeThis is how it is working as a woman on an all-male team You can never put your finger on exactly whether its the gender thing or whether its just a personal thing or whatever. For example, my tech lead would only ever Slack me. It was really hard to get him to come sit down next to me and help me, which is a really common thing to do in coding. But he would do that with everyone else. At first I didnt really notice it, but after six months, it was like every time, even if I would ask him to come pair-program with me for a little while, it would be like pulling teeth. And we sat maybe five feet apart.Another funny thing was that anytime anyone else came into the office- like anyones wife or girlfriend- the first thing they would say is, Oh look This is the one female Which was interesting because that acknowledgment was coming mostly from women. I never took offense to it, but it would call it out for a second and the whole room would flinch, then let out a sigh of relief like, Are we okay? Okay, we can keep going.Another junior developer and I used to get lunch together. He was kind of my ally at work, and he also sensed the general weirdness at work he did notice the lipstick conversation because that one was just so blatant and out there. But its kind of difficult to talk to male co-workers about this stuff, even if they are your really good friend, because theyre just like, Oh, I dont know, I dont think thats a thingmaybe.Lessons LearnedI really think the tipping point is women in leadership. If I had anyone at a higher r ank who was female that I couldve talked to about some of this stuff, it wouldve been much less of a problem. At my new company, I have so many women leaders I can talk to, and it makes such a big difference. And, its also important to just talk about gender dynamics in general Thats why Im okay with doing this interview.I work at Gusto now, which is a fintech company. Their engineering teams gender ratio is not 50/50 perfect, but its something they recognize and have a team working on it. They actually put effort into their diversity and inclusion programs, which I really like. But the biggest thing I noticed was that I was interviewed by all but one woman, out of I think 12 different people I talked to. That was huge to me.This article was originally published on Fast Company. It has been adapted here with permission. You can find more tips on starting your career in Fast Companys newsletter, Hit The Ground Running.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

3 simple steps you can take to boost employee morale

3 simple steps you can take to boost employee morale3 simple steps you can take to boost employee moraleLow Staff Morale is one of the most common issues leaders report that they struggle with. We need help, one manager told me. People are negative, complaining, and dont feel like the management cares about anything but getting the work done. And, to be honest, thats how they have been treated. We need to turn things around.Practical steps to takeHere are three action steps you can take to improve (your own and) others morale1. Conduct a Self-AssessmentAsk yourself What am I doing that isnt helpful in creating a positive workplace?This could include bothactions(complaining about a co-worker to aelendher colleague) andattitudes(harboring anger and grudges for past offenses). Consider your response carefully. See if any of the attributes below might apply to you.Grumbling, complainingRarely complimentHarbor anger/grudgeIrritabilityQuick to blame/find faultSay one thing, but do anotherQ uick temperGossipingWithhold informationImpatientSee coworkers as a work unit vs a partHave an its their problem attitudeDont beat yourself up if you have done any of these things (they are a common response to stress), but do recognize they may be a sign that you need to take some time to recharge and re-evaluate the image you would like to project about yourself.2. Dont contribute to the negativityThe second proactive step you can take is toactively disengage from participating in negative interactions. This can simply mean that you stop complaining. (Remember the saying, If you cant say anything positive, dont say anything at all?)Or, if a group discussion turns negative, remove yourself from the situation. You dont have to say anything, or call them out. Just quietly excuse yourself and dont contribute. Your leaving will send a message, and may lead to a follow-up discussion with one of the team members. Someone may say, I noticed you left when we starting griping about manageme nts lack of communication. A good response might be, Yes, Ive decided to try to not add fuel to the fire. Ive found making negative comments doesnt really help.3. Begin to communicate positive messages to othersActively demonstrating positive communicationis the third simple step we each can take. Sometimes, this can be as simple as saying, Wasnt the sunset beautiful last night? Or, Im sure thankful for air conditioning. Positive comments tend to dampen and throw water on a smoldering, negative environment.A second way to be positive is to share your appreciation for your teammates and the work they do. A simple thanks can be meaningful, especially if its specific. Something like, Jen, thanks for getting your paperwork to me on time. That will help me get the information together for the managers meeting without having to rush at the last minute. This can be an effective way to soften up those colleagues who seem fairly hardened and angry- though, it may take some time.NOT just maki ng employees feel goodFor managers and supervisors, a key point to understand is thatcommunicating appreciation isnt just about making people feel good.Rather, organizations function better when employees (and managers) feel valued. Conversely, when employees dont feel appreciated, badeanstalt results followHigher rates of tardiness and absenteeismIncreased incidence of not following policies and proceduresMore internal conflict and stress among team membersDecrease in productivity and quality of workHigher turnover rate - people dont continue with the company as longLower client satisfaction ratings.All of these results contribute to higher costs for organizations. Research has shown that companies with high levels of staff who feel appreciated are 18% more productive and 22% more profitable than companies with staff who report low levels of feeling appreciated. In fact, finding and training new employees is one of the most expensive non-productive costs to businesses.Foundational fact Not everyone feels appreciated in the same wayEmployees have different languages of appreciation (and unique actions within each language.) Believe it or not, not everyone likes verbal praise. Some people dont trust words while others believe actions speak louder than words. For some, time together is the most important message you can send. We have identified5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace(see the chart below).It can be difficult to determine which of the five languages of appreciation an employee prefers. As a result, we created anonline instrumentthat identifies team members primary and secondary languages of appreciation, and allows them to specify the unique actions important to them.When an employees preferred language of appreciation and specific action that is meaningful to them are used, we can hit the target and help them feel genuinely appreciated.Good things happen when employees feel appreciatedStaff moralecanbe improved by helping team members feel t ruly valued. The key is to communicateauthenticappreciation in the ways that are meaningful to each team member. Over time, as leaders and colleagues learn to effectively communicate appreciation to each another, people begin to value others andfeelvalued for the contributions they make, which in turn increases their motivation and morale.This article originally appeared on Appreciation at Work.

Infrared Quantum Dots Provide Stunning Images

Infrared “Quantum Dots” Provide Stunning Images Infrared “Quantum Dots” Provide Stunning Images Infrared “Quantum Dots” Provide Stunning Images Most researchers use near infrared light (wavelengths between 700 and 900 nanometers) for in vivo imaging within the body. Shortwave infrared light (SWIR) (1,000 to 2,000 nanometers) has the potential to provide even better results, because body tissues are more transparent at that wavelength. SWIR advantages over the visible and near-infrared regions include less autofluorescence, low light absorption by blood and tissue, and reduced scattering. The lack of bright, stable, and high-quality SWIR emitters/markers has prevented the general adoption of SWIR imaging by biomedical researchers. Now, however, a team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has discovered a way to make nanoscale particles that can be injected into the body, where they emit SWIR in targeted areas. These quantum dots provide researchers with remarkably detailed images of internal body structures and processes. We took advantage of a special property of short-wave infrared light, which is essentially the ability to give a clear, bright signal emitted from the targeted structure that is not blocked or scattered by the surrounding tissues, says research scientist Oliver Bruns, a member of the MIT research team. This allows us to view biological processes in living, moving animals with great clarity and detail. SWIR quantum dot samples. Image: MIT A Key Semiconductor Material Bruns and his team developed a class of high-quality SWIR-emissive indium-arsenide-based quantum dots, which can be modified for various imaging applications. They exhibit narrow and size-tunable emission and a dramatically higher emission quantum yield compared to other SWIR probes. These quantum-dot nanocrystals emit light at a specific frequency that can be precisely tuned by controlling the exact size and composition of the particles. The MIT team injected the quantum dots into mice to determine the metabolic turnover rates of lipoproteins in several organs, simultaneously and in real time. They also measured heartbeat and breathing rates in awake and unrestrained animals, resulting in a detailed 3D quantitative flow map of the mouse brain vasculature. The quantum dots emitted short-wave infrared frequencies that were bright enough to be easily detected through the surrounding skin and muscle tissues. In fact, the dots were so bright their emissions were captured with very short exposure times. Key to this success was a newly developed camera that is highly sensitive to short wave infrared light, making it possible to produce not just single images but videos that capture details of motion, such as the flow of blood, making it possible to distinguish between veins and arteries. Bruns was impressed by the combination of deep penetration, high spatial resolution, multi-color imaging, and fast acquisition speed. We could track the flow in each and every capillary, at super-high speed, he says. This allowed the quantitative measure of flow at very high resolution, over large areas. Further, Bruns notes, this was accomplished while the mice were awake and moving, as opposed to previous methods that required them to be anesthetized. Future Potential This new imaging system could become a standard approach in the future for making detailed images of internal body structures, such as the fine networks of blood vessels. We are still stunned by the quality of the images we can take using short wave infrared emitters, says Bruns. It is amazing to get such a clear look at dynamic biological processes. Initial applications for this system would be preclinical research in animals, since the compounds contain some materials that are unlikely to be approved for human use; in the meantime, Bruns and his team are developing versions of the quantum dots that will be safer for humans. Once approved, future applications could include using quantum dots to study how blood flow patterns in a tumor change as the tumor develops, possibly providing insights into new ways to monitor disease progression and determine the efficacy of drug treatments. Our vision is that 5 to 10 years from now, SWIR imaging systems will be a standard for preclinical and clinical optical imaging, says Bruns. Hopefully every research center and every major clinic will have one. Mark Crawford is an independent writer. For Further Discussion We are still stunned by the quality of the images we can take using short wave infrared emitters. It is amazing to get such a clear look at dynamic biological processes. Prof. Oliver Bruns, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Recruiters Revealed How to Answer 20 Most Common Interview Questions

Recruiters Revealed How to Answer 20 Most Common Interview Questions Recruiters Revealed How to Answer 20 Most Common Interview Questions Job interviews are dreadful things. Most job seekers refer to it as the worst part of the job search. Unfortunately, it is the most important part. Awesome resume and cover letter might get you an interview, but once you have to look the recruiters in the eye and convince them to hire you, it’s easy to lose your nerve. Thats why weve put together the list of  20 most  common interview questions asked by recruiters. There are two types of questions you might get. Theres the usual, “cliché” kind of questions that are common interview questions asked by most recruiters and much anticipated by job seekers. Some companies take a different approach instead. When probing their potential employees, they rather ask questions the job candidate wouldn’t expect in order to get honest, unrehearsed answers. You can never know what kind of interview questions you will be asked on your job interview, you can only guess based on your research. However, even if you get one of these most common interview questions, you can surprise them and answer in a way they wouldn’t expect. Imagine that the recruiter poses the same question all over again hundred times and 99% of the times they get the same  or a very similar answer. No wonder such candidate wouldn’t stick in their mind as much as the one who gives them a creative, unique answer. And you want to shine, don’t you? Although  we’re not saying you shouldn’t rehearse or prepare that would be unwise.   Weve collected for you 20 most  common interview questions asked by recruiters, who gave us smart answers to them. Get inspired and land a job of your dreams! 20 Most Common Interview Questions and Smart  Answers 1. What makes you the best person for this position? To show the hiring manager that youre the best, you have to tell them in what way you are better than the rest of the candidates. Of course, you dont know who they are and what their skills are but generally, people stick to the job description and say they can do all that was required. Go beyond that and say in what way you can expand on the job by naming your knowledge or skill that can help you perform the job better and go beyond the duties. You can even propose a couple of improvements for the job. 2. Why should we hire you? You should take an extra care in preparing for this common interview question. You have to carefully research the company or the department youre applying for, anticipate their goals for the future and try to convey how your skills can help them achieve these goals. The real meaning behind this question is: If we hire you, what benefit would you bring to the company? In your answer, you should deliver a clear message to the recruiter: that youd fit well into the team and the work environment, that youre better than the rest of the candidates and that you deliver outstanding results.  This is quite an easy one but its one of the most common interview questions on this list. 3. Can you tell me a little more about yourself? In your answer, its important to not just repeat what’s on your resume. Also, don’t make it sound as if you carefully rehearsed for this question. Imagine yourself as a product that you’re trying to sell. In about three or four sentences you have to give the recruiter enough reasons to “buy” you. Point out some of your greatest accomplishments and strengths. Mention some of your good personal traits and how these would help you in the job. Let them know youre sociable and that your personality is likely to fit well in the team. 4. How did you hear about the position? This is quite an easy one. The HR person simply wants to know what made you send your resume to apply for this company. Theyre interested in hearing what in particular caught your attention. In answering the how part, just be specific and honestly say where you heard about the job offer: either through a friend, social media or just a random job site. In fact, the how part is not even that important as much as what was it that made you interested in the position and the company itself. 5. What do you know about the company? Its always best to know as much as possible. When asked this question, dont just recite the whole about section on the companys website you learned by heart. Its not only about understanding what the company does. The recruiter wants to know whether you care about the company and identify with its mission and goals. Personalize your answer and say why you want to work for this particular company and what personal reasons you have to identify with it. Go the extra mile and learn more about the company from various different sources. Be up to date be familiar with the companys recent work and say a couple of complimentary words on their latest ventures or successes. 6. What are your professional strengths? The key to answering this common interview question is not mentioning as many of your strengths as possible. Pick two or three of your most eminent ones and elaborate on them. Dont just strictly keep to the ones listed in the job description, but you should definitely mention  strengths that are relevant to the position. Be specific dont use cliché and vague phrases such as I have excellent communication skills or Im customer oriented. If you want to point out youre great at communication, give concrete examples and demonstrate it in a particular situation. Pick two or three strengths that are easily connectable, so as to create an appealing bundle of skills. 7. What do you consider your greatest professional achievement? Mention an achievement that relates to the job offer. You might have an impression that to give a  great answer to this question youve had to have years of experience and  achieved many professional triumphs. Its not really so. You can tell them about your minor accomplishments in your part-time job or a summer job. Its a good idea to mention even a minor achievement if it includes a skill or a trait crucial for the job in question. For example, if youre applying for a position as a sales manager but havent had any notable experience, think of a time when you made somebody buy something from you and tell them what sales methods you used. 8. What are your weaknesses? This is a tricky and one of the most common interview questions. Its always difficult to talk about your weaknesses in front of somebody whom you want to impress by your awesomeness. The key to answering this question is to show your weakness is something that can be improved. You have to let the recruiter know that your weakness has a potentially positive outcome. For example, you can say youre often too absorbed in your work that you tend to forget about other things around you or that youre prone to burst with impatience when your colleagues dont meet deadlines which affects your work as well. 9. Why are you leaving your current job? / Why were you fired? Stay positive. If youre leaving your current job by your own choice, theres nothing wrong with saying in all honesty why youre leaving. What you should avoid, though, is to talk badly about your past employers. Emphasize that youve learned a lot in your previous job and that youve grown both professionally and personally and now its time to move on to the next chapter. If you were fired, dont get into too much detail about it. You can always say you were made redundant because of some inter-departmental issues etc, which would suggest it wasnt really your fault. However, this might get tricky if the HR person calls your previous employer. The best answer is to simply smile and say: They had to let me go, thats life. Now, Im ready to take on a new opportunity. 10. Why was there a gap in your employment? Recruiters usually dont like to see gaps in your employment history.  Thats why this is one of the most common interview questions overall!The best way to excuse a gap is to describe what you were up to in the meantime. A gap is not always a bad thing. You might have traveled, volunteered, started a successful blog, or learned new things through books or online courses. Always be honest. If you have a  relevant reason why you were unemployed for a while, say it. Dont make excuses and by no means say you were trying hard to find a job and you couldnt get one. Its always better to say you were unemployed by choice, and not because nobody wanted to hire you. Even unemployment has its perks. You should highlight that this period was enriching and worth it. 11. Can you explain why you changed career paths? If you were a programmer thats currently applying for a job in marketing, it might raise some questions.  If the career you decided to take is way different than your previous job, say in all honesty why you decided to take this path. You can always bridge these two paths with your transferrable skills. Say in what way your skills acquired in your previous job can bring value to the position youre applying to now. If youve decided to change career paths only slightly, you can justify it by simply stating you want to learn new things and broaden your professional reach. 12. What’s a time you exercised leadership? This interview question is typically asked if the position requires working in a team. The recruiter wants to know whether you can potentially become the leading person in the team. Think of a situation from your past work experience or student years that would show you have great project management or event management skills or  one that shows you can motivate others on the team to a better performance. In case you cant think of such an example or if youre not a naturally leading type, give an example from an everyday life such as being a role model for your younger sibling or the like. 13. Where do you see yourself in five years? By asking it, a hiring manager wants to know whether youre an ambitious, yet realistic person. Dont set your goals too high. By no means mention you see yourself as the company director. You will have to find the right balance between modesty and aspiration. Of course, you want to grow and the hiring manager wants to see whether you have the potential to evolve within the company. But then again, you dont have to be too specific. Its okay to say you dont know yet. You can only hint at your future plans and say youre more than sure this job will help you get there.  This is one of the most common interview questions asked by HR managers. 14. How would your previous boss and co-workers describe you? Be honest and answer truthfully what you think your boss or co-workers would say about you because the hiring manager will most likely get in touch with them and ask them directly. This question is to reveal how well you work with the closest people in your team and show your ability to maintain good inter-personal relations. Give a real example of a time you got feedback from a colleague or a boss or tell of a situation that demonstrates your relationship with your peers at work. If you didnt have the best relations with your colleagues and youre sure they wouldnt describe you very positively, just honestly say you didnt see eye to eye with them and point out the possible reasons why. 15. What do you think makes you different than other candidates? Its similar to why should we hire you? only this one serves to reveal your perception of yourself in the relation to others. The recruiter wants to see whether youre realistic about your knowledge and skills but humble enough not to boast. Pick one or two of your most unique skills and relate those to the job requirements. Tell of a trait you think sets you apart from others and how it can help you perform better in the job. 16. Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a conflict at work. This will reveal  your problem-solving skills and your abilities to keep good relations at a workplace. Think of an example situation when you had to deal with a conflict with a client, your boss or a colleague. The key is to show you can handle conflicts professionally and without unnecessary emotions. We recommend choosing a situation in which you had to show other skills as well, relevant to the job youre applying to. Dont forget a happy ending close it with coming to a compromise or solving the problem.   17. How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations? This one is  meant to reveal whether or not youre capable of working under stress and still perform great at your job. If the position youre applying to involves work overloads, the recruiter wants to be sure you can handle it. Of course, 10 out of 10 job candidates would say they handle pressure without difficulty in order to get the job. To convince the HR person youre telling the truth, youll have to be specific and provide an example of a stressful situation you dealt with ease. 18. What do you think we could do better or differently? By asking this interview question, HR managers dont expect you to criticize them, as much as they want to hear your suggestions and see whether youve got the ability to think critically and analytically about what theyre doing. The company doesnt just want to hire a passive employee who does as he/she is told. You should come up with your own ideas that help improve the company. So think of a new product, feature, ad or a marketing strategy a company could implement. Your proposals dont have to be perfectly thought up and ready to be applied, you should just give out an impression you care and think about the job. 19. What are your salary requirements? This is a dreaded question. To put a price to your work is tricky, especially when youre new to the field and dont really know what to expect. If you just graduated or have less than a year or two of experience, you should definitely make some research beforehand. Useful sites such as  Payscale or Glassdoor might help you get a better overview of the pay range or you can also ask people working in a similar field.  In case youre applying for a senior position, this is quite easy: just set your previous salary higher, based on the value of your experience and skills. All in all, we recommend going for a bit higher amount than what you truly expect to get. Its definitely worth the risk because if youre really good, the recruiter might accept your offer. 20. Do you have any questions for us? Usually, every HR manager introduces the company and the position to you during the interview. Despite that, you should always have additional questions ready in case youre given the chance to ask questions. By being inquiring, you show interest and care about the job. Its good to be direct and ask the hiring manager something slightly personal, such as: What do you love about your job the most? or How does your average day at this company look like? Or you can ask them about the company itself: What do you think is the biggest perk of the company? or What are the companys plans for the next couple of months? Do you like our list of most common interview questions? Share it with your friends! helped more than 300K people to land their dream job. Create a perfect resume or cover letter in minutes and get hired! Share Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments!

Monday, November 18, 2019

3 things James Comey can teach you about leaving a job gracefully

3 things James Comey can teach you about leaving a job gracefully 3 things James Comey can teach you about leaving a job gracefully This week,  fired FBI director James Comey was in the spotlight for a very public defenestration from his job. As if the firing itself wasn’t excruciating enough, details showed Comey had been dumped unceremoniously, finding out only because the news  played on the televisions  behind him before he’d been officially notified. Ouch.Yet today, Comey issued a farewell letter to his colleagues following his departure, and from a career advice standpoint, it’s one of the best.Even though Comey’s leaving a high-profile job, there are several key takeaways everyone can see from how he’s handled the situation that are important for any person in the workforce, especially if you’re leaving a job or company under tough circumstances.1. Never Burn a BridgeBehind the scenes, Comey could be cursing up a storm, chugging scotch by the bottle or sobbing the corner. Reports suggest he’s chilling out in his garden in Northern Virginia.In public, however, Comey has been stoic and straight forward, and his public note to his colleagues is kind and courteous.To be clear: We have no idea how he’s actually feeling, and that’s a good thing.What can you learn? When you leave, keep your true feelings to yourself - the time when they can make difference has passed by the time you’re out the door - and never burn a bridge if you don’t have to. Whatever Comey does next, he may have to work with former FBI agents or administration members, so there’s no point in alienating them. Venting publicly about the situation you’re dealing with might feel like a therapeutic exercise at the time, but it’s much like Pandora’s box: You can’t take things back once you let them out. Spilling your guts to a parent or partner is one thing; airing your dirty laundry to colleagues is a whole other thing, not to mention a big no-no. There’s a limit to empathy: Even close colleagues can be wounded by hurtful things you say about your former employer if they have no choice but to stay.2. Make It About the Good TimesOne of the biggest elephants in the room when it comes to Comey’s firing is, understandably, his relationship with boss. Instead of delving into that or focusing on the negatives, however, Comey spent most of his short note thanking his colleagues for their time together and praising them for their efforts. Even on his way out, he showed the team why he was a good leader: because he was thinking of their contributions.Think of it this way: The final thoughts James Comey’s colleagues will have of him as a boss is him saying that working with them has been “one of the great joys of my life” instead of him being angry.Call it recency bias. We’re influenced by what we saw last. When you’re leaving a job, your behavior during those final few days or moments will be remembered just as much as the actual work you did.That’s why it’s important to be courteous, take extra time to thank those who helped you and as your mother probably tol d you, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Professionalism is a personal characteristic; your responsibility to be professional doesn’t end just because your work contract does.3. Keep It ShortThere’s no doubt that if Comey wanted to, he could have written a 30-page goodbye letter and every news outlet would’ve covered it in great detail. Instead, Comey kept his sentiments short ‘n’ sweet as he walked out the door.Even if you don’t write a goodbye letter when you’re leaving your job, make your exit as quick and graceful as possible. There’s no reason to throw yourself a week-long goodbye party as if you deserve a state funeral, or have everyone wave at the door as you leave the building. Make sure you’ve filed any last-minute projects and updated colleagues who are taking over your work. Then, walk out without fanfare and move on. People will know how to contact you.A lot can be said - and has been written - about Comey and his time at the helm of the FBI. Yet, regardless of all the controversy, when it comes to his goodbye letter and his actual exit, he did everything right.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Life doesnt reward you for what you know, but for what you do

Life doesn't reward you for what you know, but for what you do Life doesn't reward you for what you know, but for what you do Most people have adapted to consuming low-level information on the internet. This is the equivalent of filling your car with water or eating McDonald’s every meal.In the documentary film, Super Size Me, 32-year-old Morgan Spurlock goes 30 consecutive days (from February 1 to March 2, 2003) only eating McDonald’s food. The film documents this lifestyle’s drastic effect on Spurlock’s physical and psychological well-being.During this 30-day period, Spurlock ate at McDonald’s three times per day, eating every item on the menu at least once. Spurlock consumed an average of 5,000 calories per day during the experiment, more than double the recommended amount for a healthy man his age. As a result, Spurlock gained 24 pounds, a 13% body mass increase, increased his cholesterol to 230 mg/dL (6.0 mmol/L), and experienced mood swings, sexual dysfunction, and fat accumulation in his liver.One of the components of Spurlock’s experiment was that every time he was asked the question, †œDo you want to ‘Super Size’ that?” he was required to say yes. Super-sizing means that the soda and french fries went from large to extra-extra large.When it comes to the internet, Super-sizing is the equivalent of going from one distractive link to the next to the next to the next to the next. What originally was intended to be a quick check of the email or Facebook has now turned into a subconscious self-sabotage. The body has taken over the mind and is seeking its dopamine refuel, of which it has developed an incredibly high tolerance.It took Spurlock fourteen months to lose all the weight gained during this 30-day experiment. And he had to eat extremely clean to reclaim his health.For most people who are caught in the addiction-loop of consuming low-quality information, it will take years to transform their brains into a state where they can truly think clearly and powerfully. It will take years of consistent positive decisions and calculated inputs to develop the thinkin g and decision-making capacity they are capable of.Most people will remain stuck on the fast-food diet of internet information consumption - getting fatter and more unhealthy mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. The environment is becoming so dopamine-rich that it is nearly impossible for people to pull themselves from the addiction.Here’s the truly sad part: most people intuitively know that sitting on the internet all day is bad for their brain, mind, spirit, and body. But knowledge is weak. Knowledge is good for nothing unless it is put into practice. Hence, Napoleon Hill said in Think and Grow Rich, “Knowledge is only potential power. It becomes power only when, and if, it is organized into definite plans of action, and directed to a definite end.”To learn is to change what you do“To learn and not to do is really not to learn. To know and not to do is really not to know.” -  Dr. Stephen CoveyIf you are still producing the same results, you haven’t ac tually learned something. It doesn’t matter how much information you consume. It doesn’t matter how many books you read.True learning requires the ability to consistently produce new and better results. If your mindset, perspective, and behavior haven’t changed, then you haven’t truly learned. As Albert Einstein has said, “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.”You can have all the knowledge in the world and yet remain unintelligent. Intelligence involves continually learning new things, which requires that you change how you operate in the world. According to Dr. Joe Dispenza, “The hardest part about change is not making the same choices you made the day before.”It really doesn’t matter what you know; it matters what you do. Surprise yourself and the people around you.Instead of mindlessly distracting yourself with low-level information, make a better decision.Instead of operating at a low emotional level in your relationships, be more giving, carin g, and loving. Go out of your way to make your loved ones feel special. Watch what happens to the emotional energy of your environment.Imagination is more powerful than knowledge“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” - Albert EinsteinKnowledge can keep you stuck in the past. Knowledge can keep you limited to what you think is possible. Imagination allows you to think outside the box of your current and highly limited worldview.The most influential and intelligent people in the world were also the most imaginative. They have a vision way beyond their current level of knowledge and ability. Their vision provided the direction for what types of knowledge they should develop. Their vision provided the conviction to truly learn - which meant they were willing to transform themselves into the type of person who could bri ng their vision to life.Do you emphasize knowledge?Do you believe you must have all the answers?How imaginative are you?How grand and compelling is your vision for yourself and the future?How excited are you to get up and embrace learning and change every day?Your level of conviction for daily learning is reflective of the power of your imagination. If your imagination is weak, then you probably aren’t learning very much.Creativity is more important than experience“Knowledge comes from the past, so it’s safe. It is also out of date. It’s the opposite of originality. Experience is built from solutions to old situations and problems. This is lazy. Experience is the opposite of being creative. If you can prove you’re right you’re set in concrete. You cannot move with the times or with other people. Your mind is closed. You are not open to new ideas.” -  Paul ArdenExperience is based on what you did or learned in the past. What we need from you right now are creative solu tions for the present and the future. Don’t tell me what you did yesterday. Tell me what you’re working on today.What are you creating right now?How are your pushing your own limits?Are you relying too heavily on past experience?Are you stuck in old ways of thinking?Are you trying new things?Are you evolving?Are you stuck?Never have “too much to lose” that you stop being reckless“Here’s to the crazy ones.” -  Rob SiltanenIn the science fiction novel, Ender’s Game, Ender is an 11-year-old genius who is trained to save the world from an alien species. He is led to believe that his “training” is in the form of simulation games. However, after the “final test,” Ender learns that the simulations were actually real battles that he was commanding. Ender became a war hero without even realizing what he was truly doing.He had many questions. One of them was why the military needed a child to command the armies. Mazer Rackham, his mentor and teacher explained:“And i t had to be a child, Ender. You were faster than me. Better than me. I was too old and cautious. Any decent person who knows what warfare is can never go into battle with a whole heart. But you didn’t know. We made sure you didn’t know. You were reckless and brilliant and young. It’s what you were born for.”There’s a problematic shift that happens to many successful and creative people. Eventually, their creative well dries up. They get out of the habit of doing and creating and shift to passively accumulating information or accolades.They become far more calculated in every decision they make. They stop being iterative, failing, changing, learning, and being imaginative. They begin relying far too heavily on their prior knowledge and experience. At some point, they reach a cap on what they are interested in learning, because true learning involves risk.The risk of learning is that you might have to completely change who you are and what you’re doing as a result of what you’ve learned. Yet, when you’ve reached some level of success or experience, you don’t want to change. You don’t want to lose everything you’ve gained.And this ends up being the beginning of your inevitable downfall. This is the reason author Greg McKeown said, “Success is a catalyst for failure.”The measure of intelligence is the ability to change. If you’re not changing and evolving, you’re relying too heavily on knowledge rather than imagination. You’re relying too heavily on experience rather than creativity.You’re stuck in the past. You’re living out a predictable life. And predictability is nowhere to be found in courage and creativity. As Sir Ken Robinson said, “If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.” Seth Godin similarly said, “If you’re willing to do something that might not work, you’re closer to becoming an artist.”Allow your success and experience to propel greater imagination and creativi ty. Allow your knowledge to spark new and better behaviors and solutions which lead that knowledge to be replaced with better knowledge.It doesn’t matter how long it takes if you create something truly remarkable“If a thing is done well, no one will ask how long it took to do it, but only, who did it.” -  John TaylorWhat are you currently creating?Is what you’re creating the best you could possibly do?Ryan Holiday is the bestselling author of several books. I’ve had the privilege of being taught and mentored by him. He helped me with the development and writing of my recent book, Willpower Doesn’t Work. What I appreciate about Ryan, more than anything else, is his insistence that I continually produce higher and higher quality work.“You can do much better than this,” is the compliment Ryan would often give me when reviewing my work.When it comes to creative work, quantity is often the path to quality. Even still, with everything you create, you should be putting you r absolute best in. Don’t create something just to get it done. Actually push yourself beyond your own boundaries.Richard Paul Evans has written 37 New York Times bestselling novels. When Evans was a young writer, he met the award-winning novelist, Mary Higgins Clark. She gave Evans this advice: “Every book I write is my best book I’ve ever written.”Evans never forgot that advice. In his own words, “So from that day forward, when I sit down to write a book I go in with that mentality that this book is going to be better than the last and it’s going to be the best book I can write.” This mentality is how you go on to write 37 NYT bestsellers.Several months ago, I had dinner with Alice Cooper, thanks to super-connector Joe Polish. While at dinner, I asked Alice what kept him writing music after all of these years. Here’s what he said: “If I didn’t believe my best song was still in me, I wouldn’t be writing.”If you make something truly brilliant and amazing, peo ple won’t care how long it took you to do. They’ll only ask: Who did this?Conclusion: You’re not rewarded for what you know, but for what you create“Don’t think. You already know what you have to do, and you know how to do it. What’s stopping you?” -  Tim GroverYou’re not rewarded in life for what you know. You’re rewarded for what you do. Even more, you’re rewarded for what you create.You could have a head full of really good ideas. But if you execute on none of them, you’ll have a life full of regrets.You could have all the intentions in the world to be a good friend, spouse, or parent. But if you fail to change your behavior, you’ll never be the person you could have been. You’ll have let down those who needed you most.It doesn’t matter what you know you should do, or believe you should do. It doesn’t even matter what your greatest dreams, visions, and imaginations hold if you do nothing about them.You need to act.You need to create. Create and crea te some more. Because when you create, you are forced to really learn. I’ve never learned more about a subject than when I was writing a book on the topic. I’ve learned more about parenting by taking on three foster children than I could by mindlessly browsing the internet or even reading books. When you learn through experience and toward goals, you learn with the purpose of immediate application.You learn through doing.Develop a powerful vision and use that vision to guide true learning - which is far different than acquiring knowledge. True learning requires transformation. The measure of intelligence is the ability to change. Living with intention and creation is how you truly live.Ready to upgrade?I’ve created a cheat sheet for putting yourself into a PEAK-STATE, immediately. You follow this daily, your life will change very quickly.Get the cheat sheet here!This  post  first appeared on Medium.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Wrap Up your 2013 Holiday Hiring Wish List

Wrap Up your 2013 Holiday Hiring Wish List Wrap Up your 2013 Holiday Hiring Wish List Wrap Up your 2013 Holiday Hiring Wish List Does your business have the staff in place that youll need for this years holiday season? Research showsa surge in the2013 hiring season with warehouse hiring increasing at three times the rate of conventional retail sales positions, as reported in 2013 Retail Trade Market Watch. Warehouse-related jobs such as these are on the rise: Warehouse Supervisor Job Description Warehouse Operations Manager Job Description Warehouse Manager Job Description Sample Warehouse Coordinator Job Description Warehouse Worker Job Description As online job offerings for mail-order houses (shipping departments) showed a significant increase between July and September, growth was also reported in conventional retail sales positions, including positions such as: Retail Salesperson Job Description Sample Retail Store Manager Sample Job Description Improve your 2013 seasonal hiring results with these expert hiring tips: Tap Local Talent for Seasonal Hiring Make Seasonal Hiring Easier and More Efficient Learn more about Retail Industry hiring trends.

Friday, November 15, 2019

100+ icebreaker questions for interviews + beyond

100+ icebreaker questions for interviews + beyond 100+ icebreaker questions for interviews + beyond What was  your  first AOL screen name?“Networking with a group of strangers is so easy,” said (almost) nobody ever. In fact, finding commonalities with an entirely new group of people with fresh nametags stuck to their lapels can be a real challenge. Enter icebreaker questions.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!Icebreaker questions are more than small talk. These are targeted questions that usually require a moment of pause to consider- and answer. Typically, icebreakers yield entertaining and interesting answers. The goal of icebreaker questions is to loosen up a group of people- so that they can get comfortable talking to each other. Since we are all about expanding our  soft skill sets, like  communication, we decided to put together a list of icebreaker questions- and we got a little carried away.Delight your audience at your next meeting, networking event, or family g athering by preparing a few icebreaker questions to get conversations rolling! Here are 100+ icebreaker questions. Let’s get to bonding!Pro-tip:  The right icebreaker questions can be great for interviews. However, since there are many  illegal interview questions, make sure that you  are not crossing dangerous boundaries. Questions around age, gender, religion, or race are illegal. Make sure your icebreaker questions are not inappropriate in an interview setting. If there is any doubt, stay away from icebreaker questions during an interview.EXPERIENCE ICEBREAKER QUESTIONS How many states have you been to? What was the name of your first pet? What’s the longest flight you’ve ever taken? What’s your favorite family tradition, past or present? What’s the longest distance you’ve ever walked/run? What is the best trip you ever took and why? What was the first record you ever bought? What color was your childhood bedroom? What’s the scariest ride you’ve ever been on? Who was your role model as a kid and why? When did you first feel like an adult? What is the last natural body of water you swam in? What was the hardest class you ever took? What’s a fact about you that nobody would guess? What’s the worst misspelling of your name you’ve ever seen? What was the first concert you went to? What was the last concert you went to? Where is the strangest place you’ve ever fallen asleep? Do you have any strange or regional names for things where you come from? PERSONALITY ICEBREAKER QUESTIONS If you had to create a slogan for your life, what would it be? What was your childhood nickname? What is the last show you binge-watched? What’s something that everyone else seems to love- that you don’t understand? If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would it be? What three words describe you best? What always makes you laugh? What’s your first memory as a child? What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? Do you collect anything? What celebrities share your birthday? When was the last time you turned your phone off or left it at home? What was the first thing you remember saving up money to buy on your own? What three words would your best friend use to describe you? When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? What is the scariest fear you’ve ever conquered? What physical thing (hurricanes, bugs, heights) scares you the most? Would you rather have a small dinner party with your 5 closest friends or a giant party with everyone you know and love? Do you love or hate surprises? What’s the best gift you’ve ever given to someone? What quality about yourself would you like to pass on to your child? THEORETICAL ICEBREAKER QUESTIONS If you could invite three people to dinner- living, dead, fictional, or real- who would they be? If you had a paid year off work, how would you spend it? What does your perfect ice cream sundae look like? If you could read one book over and over for the rest of your life, what would it be? If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible? If you could travel to any time period (backward or forward) where would you go? If you were an animal, what would you be and why? If you could guest star on any television show, what would it be? Who would you play? If you could instantly learn any skill, what would it be? If you were an Olympic athlete, what would be your sport? If you could (safely) visit any planet, which would it be? If you could commission any artist (living or dead) to create art for you, who would you choose? FAVORITE THINGS QUESTIONS What are your top three favorite songs ever? What’s your favorite movie and why? What is your favorite television show and why? What is your favorite way to unwind? What is your favorite book that was read to you as a child? What is your favorite book you read in school? What is your favorite book as an adult? What is your favorite cuisine? Who is your favorite comedian? What’s your favorite sports team? What’s your favorite cereal? What was your favorite Halloween costume you ever wore? Who’s your most/least favorite Disney princess? We know you have one. What’s your favorite comfort food? Who is your favorite actor/actress? THIS OR THAT QUESTIONS   Deep sea or outer space? The Beach Boys or The Beatles? Hogwarts or Middle Earth? Thunderstorms: scary or thrilling? Spring, summer, fall, or winter? Salty or sweet? Yoga or running? Coffee or tea? Cat or dog? Day or night? Pancakes or waffles? Rain or snow? Train or plane? Ski, snowboard, or surf? Beach or mountain? Cook a meal or clean up after a meal? Hamburgers or hot dogs? Friends or Seinfeld? Steve Urkel or Kimmy Gibler? Chocolate or vanilla? Water or milk? Breakfast or dinner? Comedy or drama? Hot or cold? Halloween or 4th of July? PHILOSOPHICAL QUESTIONS What would you like to be known for? What do you think is the greatest invention in your lifetime? What is one life lesson you will never forget? What’s your personal heaven? What are your parents’ best qualities? What, in your opinion, is a fundamental characteristic of a good person? Do you believe in luck? What do you think dreams are? There are now 25 hours in a day- how do you spend the extra hour? What was the best part of your day today? What is typically your favorite part of a day off from work? Do you have any great icebreaker questions you like to use?  Let us know  and we’ll add them to the list!This article first appeared on

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Why modern work isnt working

Why modern work isn't working Why modern work isn't working No matter where I go in the world- and my work has taken me to fifteen countries and five continents- I meet leaders and teams who are frustrated. We are all confronted with the fact that the scale and bureaucracy that once made our organizations strong are liabilities in this era of constant change. We are beset on all sides by pressure- to grow, to deliver, to execute at all costs, and to do so with our arms tied behind our backs. We are being asked to invent the future, but to do so inside a culture of work that is deeply broken.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!We don’t have enough time to do our work, but we pack our days with endless meetings. We don’t have the information we need, but we are buried in emails, documents, and data. We want speed and innovation, but we run from risk and inhibit our best people. We claim to work in teams, but we don’t really trust on e another. We know the way we’re working isn’t working, but we can’t imagine an alternative. We long for change, but we don’t know how to get it.Today we face an array of systemic challenges- in our economy, our government, our environment- all stemming from our inability to change. We are addicted, in spite of ourselves, to the siren song of bureaucracy. Gratuitous hierarchies, plans, budgets, and controls abound. But they aren’t working like they used to. In the face of complexity, our  Legacy Organizations- the traditional institutions that make up much of the modern world- are failing us, and we know it. Yet we do nothing, paralyzed by the fear of losing whatever control we have left.SIMPLE SABOTAGEThink back on your career, whether that’s a few years or a few decades. Think about the things that have frustrated you, what has held you back, what you wish you could change. Now read the following instructions and see if you recognize them. Have you ever seen a colleagu e behave this way? Insist on doing everything through “channels.” Never permit shortcuts to be taken in order to expedite decisions. Make “speeches.” Talk as frequently as possible and at great length. Illustrate your “points” by long anecdotes and accounts of personal experiences. When possible, refer all matters to committees for “further study and consideration.” Attempt to make the committees as large as possible- never less than five. Bring up irrelevant issues as frequently as possible. Haggle over the precise wordings of communications, minutes, resolutions. Refer back to matters decided upon at the last meeting and attempt to reopen the question of the advisability of that decision. Advocate “caution.” Be “reasonable” and avoid haste which might result in embarrassments or difficulties later on. Be worried about the propriety of any decision- raise the question of whether such action as is contemplated lies within the jurisdiction of the group or whether it might conflict with the policy of some higher echelon. When training new workers, give incomplete or misleading instructions. Hold conferences when there is more critical work to be done. Multiply the procedures and clearances involved in issuing instructions, paychecks, and so on. See that three people have to approve everything where one would do. Apply all regulations to the last letter. Are you laughing? Most of the leaders I know can’t make it through that list without howling. They’ve seen it all before. Hell, they’ve seen it  this week. Now, perhaps you’ve spent your career in startups and none of that struck a chord for you. That’s good. But read on, because this is a cautionary tale- a glimpse of what’s to come if you’re lucky enough to scale.The obvious question: who wrote these? One plausible answer is that these are behaviors I’ve observed over many years of working with large clients. It’s a field report. A sad bureaucratic ethnography. And while that is certainly possible- I have seen all this and then some- the actual source is far more unexpected and profound. In fact, it’s almost unbelievable.In 1944, at the height of World War II, William J. Donovan was the director of the United States Office of Strategic Services (the precursor to the CIA). He was looking for ways to undermine and destabilize enemy states, particularly those that figured prominently in the war. To that end, he commissioned a new field manual to be developed by the agency. The manual would be provided to ordinary citizens inside enemy territory who were sympathetic to the Allies. It would have a singular focus: helping these citizens carry out acts of “simple sabotage” that would destabilize their own communities and businesses. When completed, the so-called  Simple Sabotage Field Manual  was wide-ranging. It covered everything from damaging buildings and infrastructure to interrupting supply lines. But there at the end was a little section focused on disrupting  day-to-day business operations.As you may have deduced by now, the instructions in the list on the previous page- the ones that sound so eerily familiar- were copied verbatim from that manual, written in 1944. And yet here we are. We see our organizations in those instructions. We see our colleagues. We see ourselves. Somehow, in less than a lifetime, modern work has become indis tinguishable from sabotage.Early on in almost every client relationship, a leader will pull me aside and ask, “Honestly, are your other clients as f@#%ed up as we are?” Whereas the saltiness of the language may vary, the theme remains constant. Their question betrays a paradox at the heart of our struggle with work. Either everyone else has it mostly figured out, and we’re alone in our bureaucratic melancholy, or we’re surrounded by firms facing the same challenges, and the world is deeply dysfunctional. Both would be bittersweet. Of course, I simply tell the truth. “We see this all the time. Everyone is in the same boat.” They visibly relax. Misery loves company.EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED, EXCEPT MANAGEMENTFor five years, I’ve opened nearly every speech I’ve given with a picture of an org chart.I ask the audience what year it’s from. Here’s the thing: nobody has any idea. In every country, in every setting, I hear dates ranging from 1800 to yesterday. People call ou t haphazard guesses, laughing under their breath, because they know the truth: it could have been made at  any  time. It looks exactly like the org chart in their organization. And I’ll bet it looks exactly like your org chart too.The one featured here happens to be more than a hundred years old. It’s a railroad org chart, published in 1910 as the Operating Organization of the Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Systems. What’s really shocking about our inability to “carbon-date” this document is how easy it would be if it were a picture of almost anything else. If I showed you a house, a car, a dress, or a phone from 1910 and asked you whether it was modern or antique, you’d have a pretty good idea. Because almost everything has changed. But not management. Not really. Information flows up. Decisions flow down. A place for everyone, and everyone in their place.Somehow, amid a period of relentless innovation, including the internet, mobile computing, autonomous vehicles, artificial intelligence, and rockets to space that can land themselves, the way we come together as human beings to solve problems and invent our future has stayed remarkably constant. Which means one of two things is true: either we’ve perfected the way we organize, and we should all submit to the power of the pyramid, or we’re stuck in a Gordian knot of our own design, unable to break free and realize a better way.Excerpted from  Brave New Work: Are You Ready to Reinvent Your Organization?  by Aaron Dignan.  Copyright © 2018 by  Aaron Dignan and Penguin Random House. Excerpted with permission by Portfolio, a division of  Penguin Random House.This article first appeared on Heleo.close dialogAdvertisement close dialog/* effects for .bx-campaign-1012255 *//* custom css .bx-campaign-1012255 */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012255.bx-type-agilityzone .bx-close { z-index: 2;}@-ms-keyframes bx-anim-1012255-spin { from { -ms-transform: rotate(0deg); } to { -ms-transform: rotate(360deg); } } @-moz-keyframes bx-anim-1012255-spin { from { -moz-transform: rotate(0deg); } to { -moz-transform: rotate(360deg); } } @-webkit-keyframes bx-anim-1012255-spin { from { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); } to { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); } } @keyframes bx-anim-1012255-spin { from { transform: rotate(0deg); } to { transform: rotate(360deg); } } #bx-close-inside-1012255 { top: 0; right: 0; } /* KD - Remove padding from video wrapper and set height to 100% */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012255 .bx-row-video .bx-video-wrapper { padding-top: 0!important; height: 100%;}.bx-custom#bx-campaign-1012255 #bx-creative-1012255 .bx-wrap { height: auto;}/* KD - Change positioning to static as that was not necesaary and here you can adjust the height of the video element */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-10122 55 .bx-row-video .bx-video-wrapper video { position: static;}/* rendered styles .bx-campaign-1012255 */.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255.bx-active-step-1 .bx-creative *:first-child {width: 100%;}.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255.bx-active-step-1 .bx-creative {background-color: transparent;border-style: none;max-width: 900px;}.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255.bx-active-step-1 .bx-close {stroke: white;background-color: black;border-style: solid;border-color: white;border-width: 1px;}.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255 .bx-group-1012255-AFvXBOB {padding: 10px;display: block;width: auto;}.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255 .bx-element-1012255-J0EiS8Y {width: auto;}.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255 .bx-element-1012255-J0EiS8Y *:first-child {padding: 2px 4px;font-size: 10px;color: rgb(255, 255, 255);text-transform: uppercase;background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.34);}